To honour the memory of all children who died during war conflicts the “International Exhibition of Children’s Fine Art” was established towards the end of sixties. Since 1973 the contest is open also to foreign participants. The contest that every year receives thousands of art works from children from the whole world reaches its peak with an exhibition of awarded works in the Lidice Gallery and consequently in museum in Ležáky.
In 2006 the first year of the international internet contest” Lidice for 21st Century” dedicated for children any youth aged from 10 till 19 years who are interested into modern history occurred. Its aim is to extend the knowledge of the youngest generation about the events connected to the World War II, Nazi and totalitarian regimes of the 20th Century and about the tragedy of Lidice and Ležáky. Five language versions of the contest allow participation to children from abroad.
The reminder of the tragic events from 1942 is a non-contest show of children’s choirs “Light for Lidice” held since 2007 as a part of reverent commemoration in Lidice. The show is attended by 14 choirs representing the individual counties of the Czech Republic including Pardubice district.
- The International Exhibition of Children’s Fine Art
- International internet contest "Lidice for 21st Century"
- Light for Lidice