

On June 1 2008, the Lidce Memorial was delegated to manage the colony Ležáky in order to permanently preserve the memory of the extermination of the colony and to keep the name of the colony as a symbol of Czech resistance against Nazism and victims of war crimes. As a part of its educational activities since 2006 the Lidice Memorials organizes accredited seminaries focused on the problematic of German occupation, persecution and Czechoslovak resistance. The seminars are addressed especially for history teachers, teachers of civics, and other humanity subjects and the lecturers are invited experts from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University, the Military Historical Institute, and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and other educational institutions.

The attendants of these seminars can get to know the mission of the Lidice Memorial and the National historic landmark Ležáky and they can extend their knowledge about the impact of war and occupation on the Protectorate inhabitants. The educational aim of these seminars is to help pedagogues to use Lidice and Ležáky as places suitable for educational activities for youth and for excursions.

For pupils aged from 10 to 19 years the Lidice Memorial together with the Military Historical Institute Prague and the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University advertise every year an internet contest "Lidice for 21st Century". It is focused on modern history connected mostly to the period of World War II and with Nazi totalitarian regimes of 20th Century.

  • Seminars for pedagogues (here)
  • The international internet contest "Lidice for 21st Century" (here)
The museum building in Ležáky The interior of the museum in Ležáky

National historic landmark- Reverent area Ležáky,   telephone: +420 469 344 179,   e-mail: lezaky@lezaky-memorial.cz